Digital Secure Voting System

The scope of the project was to research current flaws in the Indian electronic voting system and to work on an alternative “Digital Secure Voting system”, which is equipped with modern day security techniques. Our job as a team of three students was to design an efficient and secure biometric identification web application system which can reduce the probability of bogus voting during elections effectively close to absolute zero.

My role in this project was the security and authentication module for this project. My task involved research, experiment, design, develop, test and release of the module while being compliant to the three key security concepts - confidentiality, integrity and availability. I coded in C with Visual Studio.

I started with the extensive research of published work. Based upon this I finalized on using .bmp format for fingerprint image due to their superior security over jpeg and png formats. I chose Crypto++ library based upon the ease of use and performance comparison with wincrypt and libmcrypt. My database consisted of fully encrypted images and texts on MySQL. I have researched various cryptographic techniques and went ahead using 3DES/AES block cipher in CBC mode in order to prevent active attacks on ECB mode.

Aditya Paliwal
Data Engineer @ Telenet