Day 5 of "Master Apache Airflow in 15 Days" where, we explore how Airflow enables complex task dependencies, including branching, conditional tasks, and the use of Trigger Rules. These features allow for flexible and robust DAG designs, making workflows adaptable to different execution scenarios.
Day 3 of "Master Apache Airflow in 15 Days" where, we will be exploring scheduling DAGs in Airflow using fixed intervals, Cron expressions, and flexible time-based intervals. We will also cover backfilling, incremental data processing, and best practices for task design.
Day 2 of "Master Apache Airflow in 15 Days" where we will dive deeper into Airflow by writing our first workflow (DAG) and understanding its core components. Explore how tasks, operators, and dependencies work together to automate data pipelines.
Day 1 of "Master Apache Airflow in 15 Days" where we will be learning the basics of Apache Airflow, why it's essential for automating data pipelines, and how to set it up step-by-step in this beginner-friendly guide.